Wednesday, February 04, 2004

Damn, I have been surfing around the blog pages and its over whelming. Why don't these things have spell checkers. Well they don't. So mang blogs...I guess you blog for yourself. I think that is why I will. What if all of a sudden though, the blogs are gone. And then my record is gone. Who cares. I cling to things and people too much. The past the past, archive it, remember it, store it, protect it...fuck it. I need to be more about the future. The computer is sucking me in in in in. I don't have the friends network here in Calgary so I enter into cyber world. Its so distracting. Today I bought these voltaire candle holders from Chapters...been waiting for them to go on sale and on sale they did. 75% off...and buy them...two sets! Crazy crazy crazy. I want to go to bed. Up early...and out in the field tomorrow by myself. A little anxious but it will go fine and I think it is good for my confidence to go by myself. Dig here, picture there...remember the tunes. Remember the tunes.
This is my first post with blogger. I found this via goggle. I liked the Google graphic they had up on February 3, 2004. But its not there anymore. I look forward to future postings.
