Saturday, August 25, 2007

Shoes pounded the pavement as hard breathing became apparent in the crisp black air.
Silhouettes of naked trees dew closer as if their roots were pulling them forward.
Wet mist hung in the branches.
The movement of the shoes slowed and the rustle of dried, decaying leaves was heard.
Not breathing, the figure stood and the sounds of the surrounding life could be heard whispering through the tree branches and echoed off the cliffs and the waters surface.
Scared by what may lie in the forest or await by the ocean side, the person was confused by the haunting peace that was felt by the encompassing atmosphere.
A fog horn bellowed through the thick moist air.
They began to walk steadily forward to the opening in the forest.
When leaving the woods and the ocean side, they felt a slight relief but a long to return.

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